
PostgreSQL Extension Updates & Preserving Privileges


My latest update of Mimeo required me to do something that I knew I would eventually need to do: drop and recreate a function in an extension without breaking the original privileges it had. If the code within a function changes, a CREATE OR REPLACE wouldn’t affect privileges. But when you need to change the parameters (not overload it) or return type of a function, it must be dropped and recreated.

Since extension updates are plain SQL, this is a little trickier than it would be if I could use variables or plpgsql to do this (like I did in the refresh_snap() function to preserve privileges when there are column changes that force a destination table recreation). I’d had an idea of how to do it, but until I actually tried it I wasn’t sure if it would work in the extension update process. This is some of the code from the beginning and end of the 0.11.1 to 0.12.0 update of mimeo:

CREATE TEMP TABLE mimeo_preserve_privs_temp (statement text);

INSERT INTO mimeo_preserve_privs_temp 
SELECT 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION @extschema@.logdel_maker(text, int, text, boolean, text[], text, boolean, text[], text[], boolean) TO '||array_to_string(array_agg(grantee::text), ',')||';' 
FROM information_schema.routine_privileges
WHERE routine_schema = '@extschema@'
AND routine_name = 'logdel_maker'; 

INSERT INTO mimeo_preserve_privs_temp 
SELECT 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION @extschema@.refresh_logdel(text, int, boolean, boolean) TO '||array_to_string(array_agg(grantee::text), ',')||';' 
FROM information_schema.routine_privileges
WHERE routine_schema = '@extschema@'
AND routine_name = 'refresh_logdel'; 

CREATE FUNCTION replay_preserved_privs() RETURNS void
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$
v_row   record;
    FOR v_row IN SELECT statement FROM mimeo_preserve_privs_temp LOOP
        EXECUTE v_row.statement;

DROP FUNCTION @extschema@.logdel_maker(text, int, text, boolean, text[], text, boolean, text[], text[]);
DROP FUNCTION @extschema@.refresh_logdel(text, int, boolean);

[... Bunch of code that does the actual update here ...]

SELECT @extschema@.replay_preserved_privs();
DROP FUNCTION @extschema@.replay_preserved_privs();
DROP TABLE mimeo_preserve_privs_temp;

I’m really glad this works because it’s much less complicated than I was thinking it was going to be. I just create a temp table to hold the grant commands with the original privileges, run some SQL to generate them, have a temp function that goes back and replays them at the end of the update and then drops the unneeded objects. If you look closely, the generated GRANT statement has the signature of the new function while the DROP statement has the old function signature.

The refresh functions (refresh_logdel() here) are functions that we’ve typically given permissions to other users to execute so they can refresh tables on demand as needed. You could check those permissions before the update, make note of them, and reapply them afterwards. But I think it’s much more preferable for the extension update to handle it itself if it can. This same method can be used to preserve permissions on any object just by looking it up in the relevant information_schema view.

Don’t know if this is the best way to do this, but so far it works. I’d appreciate any feedback if anyone has a better approach.

UPDATE 2014/02/14: At the time I wrote this post I wasn’t really familiar with the anonymous DO block. Since then I’ve redone this process and completely eliminated the need for the function. Redoing the code block above, you can see it simplifies things a lot.

CREATE TEMP TABLE mimeo_preserve_privs_temp (statement text);

INSERT INTO mimeo_preserve_privs_temp
SELECT 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION @extschema@.logdel_maker(text, int, text, boolean, text[], text, boolean, text[], text[], boolean) TO '||array_to_string(array_agg(grantee::text), ',')||';'
FROM information_schema.routine_privileges
WHERE routine_schema = '@extschema@'
AND routine_name = 'logdel_maker';

INSERT INTO mimeo_preserve_privs_temp
SELECT 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION @extschema@.refresh_logdel(text, int, boolean, boolean) TO '||array_to_string(array_agg(grantee::text), ',')||';'
FROM information_schema.routine_privileges
WHERE routine_schema = '@extschema@'
AND routine_name = 'refresh_logdel'; 

DROP FUNCTION @extschema@.logdel_maker(text, int, text, boolean, text[], text, boolean, text[], text[]);
DROP FUNCTION @extschema@.refresh_logdel(text, int, boolean);

[... Bunch of code that does the actual update here ...]

DO $$
v_row   record;
    FOR v_row IN SELECT statement FROM mimeo_preserve_privs_temp LOOP
        EXECUTE v_row.statement;

DROP TABLE mimeo_preserve_privs_temp;